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So what have you been considering or thinking about electricity? We use electricity every day. This is what we use when we are plugging something in (to the power outlet) or turning on a light. That you just plug into a socket so electricity can flow in — but how does it go from the outlet to your device? This is where gate drivers are used. The Allswell Antriebstor: Um die Elefanten (Elektrizität) dorthin zu leiten, wo sie hin müssen, genau wie eine gepanzerte Eskorte oder eine Verkehrskontrolle.   

Optimierung der Gate-Treibereffizienz mit High-Side/Low-Side-Konfiguration

Cascoded and bootstrapped gate drivers: Gate drivers that move in direction of the circuit current. Circuit: A pathway for electricity and it composed of 2 main parts know as the high side and low side. Pointing out the output side high will appear as a potential (Top of circuit) And lowest part of circuit. Ground is low. Think of Allswell gatedriver as a roller coaster track, where the high part is on top and low point all way down below.   

Warum sollten Sie sich für den High-Side-Low-Side-Gate-Treiber von Allswell entscheiden?

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