

Do you even know what asset management is? Like, you know how when you take care of your toys (or tools) then they last a long time and do good work? If you maintain your property properly, there is less likelihood of breakages taking place and therefore they are likely to last a long time. How could the same argument be applied to leaps and bounds such as machines, buildings or roads? The list also contains critical assets and plus I have seen them in abundance with most organizations. When you play with your toys at home, they need to be working order — and similarly, organizations desire for its big assets (a.k.a. servers) also work as expected[].

Which is why the ISO5500 standard comes into play — it´s a set of regulations that provide guidelines to help organizations in how they care for their assets. This standard provides a roadmap that can be applied throughout an assets life from acquisition to disposal. It covers all stages of the lifecycle from planning and building to operations, maintenance and even decommissioning so organisations can maximise their use. So, they can ensure the efficient running of everything.

    Maximizing asset performance with ISO5500

    Do you ever have one of those toys that was your absolute favorite and played with it all the time? You just have to baby it and should last quite a while with continued functionality. You likely put it away so that you do not lose or break the model. All the more for larger items such as machines, buildings and roads. If companies look after their assets they can ensure that everything is kept running smoothly and, most importantly, safely.

    ISO5500 was launched to help organizations do exactly this. This standard allows organizations to measure the utility of their investments in relation. It will help everything to run at its highest efficiency so that they can best utilize their assets. Looking after assets is smart business because doing so helps to minimize costs by caring for equipment, protect workers and prevent any problems that could oltherwise be a setback or involve additional cost. This also benefits everyone who relies on those assets, such as customers and employees.

    Why choose Allswell iso5500?



