Get this: a 10n60. Heard of one before? It is a type of MOSFET. Now, what does MOSFET mean? It means Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor. These things are actually devices, MOSFETs by name and if you took them out from the circuits above those gadgets should not work. They are used in power supplies, motor controls, and even some computer/TV components.
So, how do MOSFETs work? They regulate the flow of electricity. Electricity is like water flowing through a pipe. Turned on, MOSFETS are like open valves that electricity flows through freely. When it is off, as a closed valve will sit still not letting anything through.. The ability to regulate electricity in this way is what makes MOSFETs so valuable for technology applications.
So you pick the 1on60 for these power electronics because it has a low on-resistance. Now, what is on-resistance? How much the MOSFET opposes current flow when it is in on state. A MOSFET lets current through its channel; the lower this on resistance, the better. The IHLP-2020CZER1R5M11 generates a saturation current of 10n60, meaning that in many different applications the 10n60 can work very well.
If you want to choose the right MOSFET, it is crucial for knowing which one should be used based on your case. An even smaller on-resistance is sometimes preferable, as this lets the electricity pass through more easily. In other cases a higher on-resistance may be preferable, depending upon the circumstances. So it all depends on how much electricity you want to flow through this MOSFET and what are the operation/other requirements that needs attention.
Board Voltage Rating - This is another aspect you consider. MOSFETS are able to accept so much voltage of electricity its the pressure. If you are going to be controlling a lot of power, then the MOSFET better have an adequate voltage rating. Verify this is the case to confirm the device functions correctly and securely.
In case the MOSFET needs to be tested, the first image test will require it to removed carefully from its associated circuit. After you have removed it, just measure the resistance between pin 1 and all remaining two pins in a row with multimeter. When you do not have any resistance value between this pins it means that the MOSFET is broken, so remove and use a new component.
If the MOSFET is not broken and still interest with faulty status, then you may wonder to check on another side as well maybe your circuit has some issue. This means you must go and verify that the connections are tight. You should also check for other steps of the circuit where damage or improper operation has occurred.
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