The experience of information storage is greatly influenced by floating gate MOSFETs which are a unique electronic device. The cool thing about these bits is that they can hold on to data after power off. This article will explain what floating gate MOS transistors are, how they work and the characteristics these devices can offer for different types of electronic systems.
MOSFET, or Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors are crucial electronic components that allow the flow of electricity to be manipulated. MOSFETs are found in a wide variety of objects used around the home, including computers, cell phones, and televisions. Floating gate MOSFETs are special because they can store a charge without any power which is not the case for all types of MOSFETS.
A floating gate MOSFETshold very few particles called the electron, inside a piece of metal (floating gate). It is surrounded by a specific insulating material that traps the electrons in place where they can only enter or escape through this channel. When electrons are applied to this gate — thus by the current electricity flow, there is a gateway opened between these two conducting chambers and so every single electron that enters into one side of the "river" gets trapped on top. What is interesting here is that these captured electrons can sit on the gate for a long time and resistivity will remain high even when we have turned it off. It is this trait that allows floating gate MOSFETs to 'remember' information over a long period.
The application space for which floating gate MOSFETs are most critical is called non-volatile memory. Non-volatile memory, as the name itself suggest to a type of memory that will not lose its information even though it no longer powered on. This is an important feature for many electronic devices such as USB drives, memory cards and solid-state disks.
This is the type of memory where electrons are trapped within floating gate which can only be added, similar to what I mentioned before. The electrons flow to the gate when we apply voltage, and then they can remain there for a very long time even if power is cut. This particularity is what enables floating gate MOSFETs to store information for a large amount of time.
Floating gate MOSFET memory type: There are several different kinds of floating-gate memory, including EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Network only Memory), NAND flash and NOR burst. There are a good few types and all have various strengths and weaknesses. NAND flash memory is an example electronically very fast and capacity to store large amounts of data. But it can only be erased in groups, which is a disadvantage in some cases. In contrast, NOR flash memory is slower yet can be erased in smaller sectors, so it offers more custom-tailored data management for specific use cases.
Sensing systems utilize sensors to collect static or dynamic data from the environment: temperature, pressure and motion. In computing systems the gatherers are special devices called processors that then analyze this information and make decisions based on what they find. Floating gate MOSFETs are useful for both sensing and computing systems, as they can store data over long timescales whilst remaining reliable.
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